No, I’m not getting too little sleep, nor am I sleeping poorly. I’m restless in the sense of being the opposite of at rest. I’m fidgety, filled with a vague sense of incompleteness—something (I don’t know what) is out there waiting for me to finish it, maybe even just begin it. There’s some kind of light cosmic tapping on my shoulder going on, but when I turn around to see what’s demanding my attention, there’s nothing there I can see. Am I seeing nothing, or is there nothing to see? It’s an itch I can’t seem to scratch.
A bit of that itch, perhaps, I can reach: I haven’t written much in the last year or so (including this blog), and I know from past experience that writing helps me focus on what’s important in my life; writing helps me separate and clarify the things that block me from moving forward. So here I am, finally getting around to posting new (-ish) content. My readers may find this post a little light on “what have I been doing this past year or so” updates. For that I apologize; in mitigation, I plead respect of others’ privacy—my doings over the past year often intersected with family and friends in ways that shouldn’t be discussed in an open blog.
The most significant new event I can discuss is my decision to finally get serious about dropping weight. I know—I know!—I’ve done this several times before, so “getting serious” in this context is never guaranteed to be a permanent thing. Nevertheless, I’ve signed up through an outfit called Freshology to receive semi-weekly deliveries of ready-to-heat diet meals. This is a bit of an experimental plan for me. Readers might recall that I did a similar plan about six-seven years ago, but that was a more traditional reduced calorie “balanced” diet plan. This one is a modified keto plan; it uses meals that are high in protein and very low on carbohydrates to force the body into a state called “ketosis,” which supposedly speeds up the body’s consumption of it’s own fat. I’ve been on this new diet for about a month now, and it certainly feels like I’m losing weight—alas, my bathroom scale has died and I’ve yet to replace it, so I have no absolute confirmation. My goal is to lose 100 lbs. Wish me luck!