A lot of time has passed since my last post, and yet it feels like no time at all. This, I suppose is the nature of life since the COVID pandemic began—days blur into weeks blur into months, and so it goes, until I wake up and it’s Blursday the fortyteenth of Marchtober.
But if I look back, a lot has actually gone on. In personal news, the biggest change is that I’ve joined the Franciscan Community of Compassion as a novice. FCC is a nominally ecumenical (but at present all Episcopalian) “third order” Franciscan community; we are something of a hybrid between what in the Roman world are the Third Order Regular and the Secular Franciscan Order. We do not live in community (meaning at a friary or monastery) like first order Franciscans, nor do we live enclosed (i.e. cloistered) like second order Franciscans—we live out in the world, continuing our usual vocations (clerical or otherwise), but we gather together three times a week for prayer (on Zoom), plus assorted retreats and other meetings that may eventually be done in person once COVID settles down. There is a habit, which is worn on special occasions by brothers and sisters who have taken vows.
I’ve been attracted to Franciscanism for some time. There’s something very elemental about it, and it challenges me in a good way. I tend to overthink and over-intellectualize my spirituality, but the Franciscan way pushes all that to one side and gets me down to the core of my faith—to follow Jesus with complete abandon. Oh, there’s still a place for nuanced consideration of theological trivia, but it’s not at the center of my relationship with God. There, at the core, must be space for spontaneity, for joy, and for deep compassion towards my fellow humans, who are all made in God’s image.
Perhaps less momentous, but still very important: A few months ago, I began a new diet program. My weight has been an ongoing challenge since at least age 30, but in the past few years it became horribly out of control. The new diet consists of prepared microwave meals (three meals a day), sent to me in semi-weekly shipments. It’s a modified keto plan, high in protein with minimal carbohydrates, and so far it’s working very well—I’ve lost over 40 lbs to date, with an eventual goal of losing 100 lbs. Wish me luck!