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Author Archives: Bill Paine
Spirituality Content
You may have noticed a lack of updates on this blog. There likely will be an occasional post in the future, but my spirituality content is now being posted to my Substack (https://brotherbill.substack.com). Over there, you will find sermons (yes, … Continue reading
Easter Vigil Meditation
At this year’s Easter Vigil service, I and two others were invited to give testimonies/meditations on what Christ’s death and resurrection meant to us. The following is mine, lightly edited for textual (as opposed to verbal) presentation. When Mother Broderick … Continue reading
I vow Obedience…
In my last two posts I’ve reflected on the vows of poverty and chastity, so today I’m tackling the last of the three: obedience. On the surface, this one seems straightforward. Certainly, a monk or a friar or a nun … Continue reading
I vow Chastity…
Last post, I reflected on the vow of poverty. Today, as is evident from the title, I am reflecting on the vow of chastity. I imagine that many of you hear the word “chastity” and assume it means celibacy. Indeed, … Continue reading
I vow Poverty…
On Friday, September 30th, I will profess my vows as a brother of the Franciscan Community of Compassion. They are based on the traditional vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, adapted to the charism of the FCC. In the time … Continue reading
Follow Me
In the Episcopal Church liturgical calendar, today is the Feast of Antony, Abbot in Egypt, who died in the year 356. Antony lived in a time of tremendous change for the early church. In 312, Emperor Constantine adopted Christianity (there’s … Continue reading
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Bread for the Body, Bread for the Soul
Back when I began blogging here, one of my primary foci was spirituality and, especially, reflections on Daily Office readings. I haven’t done that in a while, and I think it’s about time I did so again. My religious life … Continue reading
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Life Update
A lot of time has passed since my last post, and yet it feels like no time at all. This, I suppose is the nature of life since the COVID pandemic began—days blur into weeks blur into months, and so … Continue reading
No, I’m not getting too little sleep, nor am I sleeping poorly. I’m restless in the sense of being the opposite of at rest. I’m fidgety, filled with a vague sense of incompleteness—something (I don’t know what) is out there … Continue reading
COVID-19 Tribulations
It’s been a long time (almost four years) since I last posted to this blog. I suppose I could come up with a bunch of plausible excuses, but the truth is I just haven’t been motivated to post. Life over … Continue reading