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bill@williampaine.name Archives
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Author Archives: Bill Paine
New Internet Provider
I’ve been online, in one form or another, since the mid-80’s, beginning with services like CompuServe, Prodigy and others. Back then, all of these were closed networks that were not linked to the internet—access was through dedicated dial-up connections for … Continue reading
Posted in Miscellaneous
Tagged Earthlink, Internet service provider, Time Warner, Verizon FiOS
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October 2013 NWTA
What a wonderful group of men! Over the weekend of October 3-6, a staff of 36 men initiated 30 participants into a new way of being, the way of the New Warrior. I was privileged to be on the staff … Continue reading
Green Bay as of Mid-August
Although Andrew and I were not able to go up to the North Country over Labor Day weekend this year, Andrew and my mother went up earlier in August. My Aunt Jan (mom’s sister) rented a house in Saranac Lake … Continue reading
Selected to Staff October NWTA
Last week, I learned that I was selected to be on the staff of the Mankind Project NY Metro community’s fall New Warrior Training Adventure (NWTA), scheduled for the weekend of October 4-6 this year. Staffing is a great privilege … Continue reading
Green Bay Renovation Progress
Andrew and I were in Willsboro over the Memorial Day weekend to volunteer for and cheer on the participants of Camp Poko’s Patch Sprint adventure race. It was a wild and wet weekend with temperatures peaking in the low 40’s … Continue reading
Live Your Life
I recently finished a great book called Damn Few: Making the Modern SEAL Warrior, by Rorke Denver and Ellis Henican. LCDR Denver is a US Navy SEAL, most recently assigned as the head of SEAL training. He’s also one of … Continue reading
Posted in Miscellaneous, Spirituality
Tagged Act of Valor, Book review, Navy SEALs, Tecumseh
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RIP Old Laptop
My trusty old laptop finally bit the dust this past week when its keyboard decided to go crazy. At first, it just refused to work, and then it started randomly typing characters—not fun, and definitely not conducive to orderly work … Continue reading
Green Bay Renovations
As usual, I went up to Willsboro over the MLK holiday long weekend, leaving Friday 18 January and returning Monday 21 January. This was the first time I’ve been up since we moved out of Green Bay, so going up … Continue reading
“Superstorm” Sandy
First, let me reassure everyone that I and everyone in my immediate family came through Hurricane Sandy with no serious problems. My building is well outside any flood zones, and we never lost power during or after the storm. There … Continue reading
Banking Blues
Ever since I stopped working at HSBC, I’ve wanted to extract myself from banking with them, but with a mortgage, credit card, checking, overdraft LOC, and other banking products all interlocked, I was afraid moving to a new bank would … Continue reading