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Category Archives: Miscellaneous
Life Update
A lot of time has passed since my last post, and yet it feels like no time at all. This, I suppose is the nature of life since the COVID pandemic began—days blur into weeks blur into months, and so … Continue reading
No, I’m not getting too little sleep, nor am I sleeping poorly. I’m restless in the sense of being the opposite of at rest. I’m fidgety, filled with a vague sense of incompleteness—something (I don’t know what) is out there … Continue reading
COVID-19 Tribulations
It’s been a long time (almost four years) since I last posted to this blog. I suppose I could come up with a bunch of plausible excuses, but the truth is I just haven’t been motivated to post. Life over … Continue reading
Cooking again
After a year on the LeanChefs plan, I’ve decided it is time for me to take the training wheels off my diet and start managing my own food again. So, beginning last week, I ended the plan. LeanChefs did a … Continue reading
Leaner and Meaner
Most of you know that I’m seriously overweight. At my worst, I tipped the scales at 300 lbs, easily 100 lbs more than I should be for my height; since then, I’ve hovered around 295. In the wake of my … Continue reading
Winter in Forest Hills
Even New York City looks beautiful just after a snowfall. I took this picture on my way to the subway station this morning. Of course, what you don’t see are the stuck cars and cursing drivers on the highway behind … Continue reading
New Internet Provider
I’ve been online, in one form or another, since the mid-80’s, beginning with services like CompuServe, Prodigy and others. Back then, all of these were closed networks that were not linked to the internet—access was through dedicated dial-up connections for … Continue reading
Posted in Miscellaneous
Tagged Earthlink, Internet service provider, Time Warner, Verizon FiOS
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Live Your Life
I recently finished a great book called Damn Few: Making the Modern SEAL Warrior, by Rorke Denver and Ellis Henican. LCDR Denver is a US Navy SEAL, most recently assigned as the head of SEAL training. He’s also one of … Continue reading
Posted in Miscellaneous, Spirituality
Tagged Act of Valor, Book review, Navy SEALs, Tecumseh
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RIP Old Laptop
My trusty old laptop finally bit the dust this past week when its keyboard decided to go crazy. At first, it just refused to work, and then it started randomly typing characters—not fun, and definitely not conducive to orderly work … Continue reading
Banking Blues
Ever since I stopped working at HSBC, I’ve wanted to extract myself from banking with them, but with a mortgage, credit card, checking, overdraft LOC, and other banking products all interlocked, I was afraid moving to a new bank would … Continue reading