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Tag Archives: Franciscan
Easter Vigil Meditation
At this year’s Easter Vigil service, I and two others were invited to give testimonies/meditations on what Christ’s death and resurrection meant to us. The following is mine, lightly edited for textual (as opposed to verbal) presentation. When Mother Broderick … Continue reading
I vow Obedience…
In my last two posts I’ve reflected on the vows of poverty and chastity, so today I’m tackling the last of the three: obedience. On the surface, this one seems straightforward. Certainly, a monk or a friar or a nun … Continue reading
I vow Chastity…
Last post, I reflected on the vow of poverty. Today, as is evident from the title, I am reflecting on the vow of chastity. I imagine that many of you hear the word “chastity” and assume it means celibacy. Indeed, … Continue reading
I vow Poverty…
On Friday, September 30th, I will profess my vows as a brother of the Franciscan Community of Compassion. They are based on the traditional vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, adapted to the charism of the FCC. In the time … Continue reading
Life Update
A lot of time has passed since my last post, and yet it feels like no time at all. This, I suppose is the nature of life since the COVID pandemic began—days blur into weeks blur into months, and so … Continue reading
Brother Sun
Today is the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, founder of the Franciscan spiritual movement. Francis is best known as the “patron saint of animals,” and many churches have special services today to bless pets and other creatures. Francis is … Continue reading