
Bill at homeThank you for visiting my new-and-improved web site.  Why the change?  I like the blog format.  I have all the same static pages as my old site, but now I have an easy way to give you, my friends and family, updates on what’s going on in my life—those I’m willing to make public, anyway!  At some later date I may find a way to add a “trusted user”-only section for things I wish to keep private, but for now what you see is what you get.

Here’s the fun part:  you can add comments to my posts.  I’m not opening comments up to the general public, however.  In order to comment, you need to be logged in as a registered “subscriber,” which requires my approval.  If I don’t know you, don’t bother to ask, but if you’re a friend or a family member just email me and I’ll add you to the approved list.

I have also merged my former Work, Study & Prayer blog into this web site.  I may continue to post meditations on my prayer life, but at less frequent intervals.

Thank you, and God bless!

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