Flat Rock Vacation

Bill at Flat Rock

Bill at Flat Rock

My brother Andrew and I are upstate on Lake Champlain again, enjoying a little time off at Flat Rock Camp by kind invitation of Marian Bradley, one of our honorary aunts (childhood friend of my Aunt Molly), who is renting the camp for this week.  Molly, unfortunately, was not able to come up this trip, although we did get a chance to visit her, our cousin Pam and Pam’s two kids in Pittsford before we headed up here this past Friday.

The camp is beautiful, as always.  The weather was absolutely perfect until yesterday, when it turned cloudy and rainy.  Today things are starting to clear up, and I hope to have a few more days of lovely weather before we most reluctantly head back south to the city.


Bradley reading papers

One of the great things about the camp is the huge number of guests that can be housed here.  Two of Marian’s children, along with a substantial collection of grandkids and dogs, stayed for the first part of the week, and then some of her husband Bradley’s family came to keep things hopping though the remainder of the week.

I hadn’t seen Mike and Kate, Marian’s children, since we were all children ourselves, so it was a lot of fun to catch up with them and meet their kids (Kate’s ages 16, 15 & 12, Mike’s age 8).  We had a beach fire down by the dock with s’mores;  Andrew told a ghost story, complete with off-stage scream at the appropriate narrative moment provided by your humble correspondent.  The effect of the scream, however, was a bit spoiled by the reaction of the dogs who naturally went berserk at the noise.  Luckily, they decided on charging up to me in the woods that I was a friend.flowers-and-lake

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