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Author Archives: Bill Paine
A Bloody Nose
Thank you to everyone who contacted me concerned about my mother. To reassure everyone that she’s fine, here’s a brief recap of the Bloody Nose Incident… Two weeks ago, Mom went out to lunch with her friend Sally, and midway … Continue reading
I was here…
Most of the pictures I have of USS Moinester, the ship in which I served most of my active duty navy time, are undated, so I usually don’t know for sure if I was actually on board at the time … Continue reading
Thank you for visiting my new-and-improved web site. Why the change? I like the blog format. I have all the same static pages as my old site, but now I have an easy way to give you, my friends and … Continue reading
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John’s gospel is the most difficult for me to wrap my head around. Its structure and tone are quite different from the other three gospels—more abstract, more spiritual/philosophical, less dependent on narrative storytelling. There is also a deep undercurrent of … Continue reading
Posted in Spirituality
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Brother Sun
Today is the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, founder of the Franciscan spiritual movement. Francis is best known as the “patron saint of animals,” and many churches have special services today to bless pets and other creatures. Francis is … Continue reading
Perfectly Unexpected
Note: I have begun using Zemanta to add useful links and pictures to my entries. Most of the non-citation links take you to relevant Wikipedia articles; I strongly caution that Wikipedia is often not reliable factually, but can serve as … Continue reading
Posted in Spirituality
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Eight Years Later
9/11 is still raw. I sometimes find it difficult to realize that the awful day was eight years ago, so immediate are the emotions and memories I have. To have been a New Yorker on September 11th, 2001, is to … Continue reading
Being humble is greatly misunderstood. On the one hand, humility can feel like false modesty, a passive-aggressive means of self-promotion which attracts attention through acting like I don’t want it. On the other, humility can feel like weakness, a defensive … Continue reading
Trusting in God
First, my apologies for neglecting this blog for so long. I chose to be lazy and not be disciplined or focused enough to put my thoughts into words; this is a long-standing shadow of mine, that I self-sabotage to justify … Continue reading
Posted in Spirituality
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Physical and Spiritual
Today the Episcopal Church celebrates John Donne, Priest, Poet and Preacher (1573-1631). Image via Wikipedia Donne is a fascinating character whose poetry, to the modern reader, occupies a disturbingly ambiguous middle ground between the erotic and the spiritual, between eros … Continue reading
Posted in Spirituality
Tagged Episcopal Church, John Donne, Poetry
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