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Category Archives: Family
COVID-19 Tribulations
It’s been a long time (almost four years) since I last posted to this blog. I suppose I could come up with a bunch of plausible excuses, but the truth is I just haven’t been motivated to post. Life over … Continue reading
Patch Sprint 2016
As has been our custom for many years now, Andrew and I drove up to Willsboro for the Memorial Day weekend, leaving Friday and returning Monday. While any visit up there is worth the time and effort regardless of any … Continue reading
The Reverend Molly McGreevy, 1936-2015
Early this morning, All Saints Day, my Aunt Molly McGreevy died after a long decline. Molly was my father’s sister, six years his junior in age. In many ways they were alike, especially in their ability to see and appreciate … Continue reading
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A trip to Citi Field
This past Saturday afternoon, Andrew and I attended a New York Mets baseball game at Citi Field. It was a cold and wet day (the game had been postponed from Friday night due to rain and wind), but we braved … Continue reading
Life, the Universe and Everything
Wow. I’ve really neglected this. Sorry! Time for me to update you on the past 10 months… First, the diet plan. The very good news here is that I’ve gone from a starting point of roughly 300lbs down to 245lbs, … Continue reading
Flat Rock Vacation
My brother Andrew and I are upstate on Lake Champlain again, enjoying a little time off at Flat Rock Camp by kind invitation of Marian Bradley, one of our honorary aunts (childhood friend of my Aunt Molly), who is renting … Continue reading
A Close Call
I had a bit of a scare this past Saturday. While walking down the street towards my local subway station, I collapsed to the sidewalk, actually passing out for several seconds. Thankfully, my brother Andrew was with me, and he … Continue reading
Green Bay as of Mid-August
Although Andrew and I were not able to go up to the North Country over Labor Day weekend this year, Andrew and my mother went up earlier in August. My Aunt Jan (mom’s sister) rented a house in Saranac Lake … Continue reading
Green Bay Renovation Progress
Andrew and I were in Willsboro over the Memorial Day weekend to volunteer for and cheer on the participants of Camp Poko’s Patch Sprint adventure race. It was a wild and wet weekend with temperatures peaking in the low 40’s … Continue reading
Green Bay Renovations
As usual, I went up to Willsboro over the MLK holiday long weekend, leaving Friday 18 January and returning Monday 21 January. This was the first time I’ve been up since we moved out of Green Bay, so going up … Continue reading